Align Your Life, Embody Your Purpose, and Thrive.

Guiding you to master your emotions, connect with your purpose, and create a life of fulfillment and resilience.

Are there areas of your life you wish were different and are finding it difficult to take the action needed to make it happen? Are you looking for support in knowing what those actions even are?

Are you unclear on what you want but know there’s more for you?

I help men transform three main areas of life:

  1. Relationship with self

    • Connection to your emotions and tuning into the signals your body is giving you all the time which you may not be aware of

  2. Relationship with others

    • Strengthening your romantic, business, or personal relationships

  3. Relationship with Spirit/Source/God

    • Fully realizing your connection to divinity lies within and how to access this source of infinite possibility

This work is for you if you are committed to creating the life of your dreams. Specific examples of how this work helps include:

  • Connecting to deep self-love and accepting yourself exactly as you are right now

  • Feeling calmer, less stressed, and being even more productive than you currently are in your job or business

  • Preparing you for life transitions such as becoming a parent, moving, or starting a new business. You’ll get the most out of starting this new chapter and hit the ground running

  • Break through limiting beliefs holding you back, or overcome mental blocks which are keeping you from your soul’s work, ideal partner, or achieving your next milestone

I am honored to support you moving in the direction of your heart’s desire. If you want to learn more about how this work changed my life, check out the Meet Joe section below.


Breathwork - Breathing in a conscious way for an extended time (can be as short as 8 minutes) has many physiological and psychological benefits including stress reduction, less reactivity to triggers, and an overall sense of calm.

Somatic (body-based) Guiding - Trauma, as well as the answers to many of our questions, are stored in our body not our mind. Somatic guiding helps drop out of the mind and into the body. This approach teaches overthinkers, worriers, and anyone feeling anxious how to quiet the mind and reconnect to the body.

Want to learn more or ready to jump in? Set up a free 15 minute consultation to find out if us working together is right for you.


  • 1:1 Coaching

    Leveraging the power of Cannabis and Breathwork, I offer 1-on-1 coaching containers for those looking to explore themselves deeper.

  • Events

    Group events are a great way for curious people to explore the power of Cannabis + Breathwork.



    By focusing on the heart, we gently set the ego aside, giving space to what wants to arise.


    Curiosity around the feelings that are experienced provides a window into the origins of what’s showing up in your life as resistance.


    It’s one thing to have a profound experience or intellectually know something. Embodiment is the key to lasting change.


  • Joe Dinardo

    Life Transformation Coach and Certified Psychedelic Therapist

  • “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

    Terence McKenna

  • “We cannot create a new future, by holding on to the emotions of the past.”

    Dr. Joe Dispenza

Let’s connect.
(732) 710-2537