Frequently asked questions

What do you mean Cannabis is psychedelic? Isn’t it “just” Cannabis?

Even though it is widely used recreationally, Cannabis is a classic psychedelic. When the right set, setting, container, and intention are set, smoking Cannabis can elicit profound somatic and healing experiences. I’d love to talk more with you about this. Fill out the question form below and we can set up time for an exploratory call.

What is trauma and how can Cannabis be used for trauma resolution?

Trauma is any experience from the past that overwhelms the nervous system. What happens after the event is what determines if that traumatic experience is stored in the nervous system or resolves. For example, if the person experiencing the traumatic event had a trusted, safe adult to support them, validate their experience, and provide what they needed the trauma would not be “stuck” in the nervous system. If trauma is not resolved, it will keep showing up and patterns will repeat themselves throughout one’s life as the nervous system still feels that it is not safe. Trauma looks differently for everyone - it can be an acute event, an ongoing event/abusive relationship, and it can even be the absence of something. This absence of something is related to a need one had growing up that wasn’t met and is called neglect.

Cannabis is very helpful for trauma resolution for a couple reasons. Trauma is stored in the body’s nervous system, and the endocannabinoid receptors are located in the fascia, which is connective tissue that runs throughout your entire body and connects to the nervous system. This is why cannabis is a very somatic (body-based) medicine and journeyers often experience shaking or other bodily sensations. Another reason is the agency, or choice, one has when imbibing with Cannabis. This means that when they are in the psychedelic space, they can choose which direction/memory/feeling they want to explore. Choice is paramount when working with trauma as it is often the absence of choice that resulted in the initial traumatic experience(s).

What is a Cannabis ceremony like?

Upon arrival, we will check in with anything we’re bringing into the space. Then we will smoke at the imbibing prayer. After that you will lay down and cover your eyes while I guide you through a body scan. Then you will listen to the music set I’ve curated specific to your journey, during which I will be guiding you. Towards the end of our time, I will gently bring you back into the space and we will have a debrief of your experience.

How do you combine Cannabis and Breathwork?

On the 2nd day of the experience, or any one-off ceremonies after the initial back-to-back, I offer to guide the client through a breathwork practice after imbibing. Breathwork and Cannabis dance beautifully together and create a space of agency and safety to help you navigate the inner landscape of your body and mind. Cannabis is the fuel and breathwork is the throttle - you get to decide where you want to go and how deep, knowing that wherever you go is exactly where you’re meant to be.

Is it safe?

Yes. Cannabis is extremely safe and one of the main reasons I work with this plant medicine over others. Physiologically, no one has ever overdosed. As your facilitator, I am there to ensure your safety throughout the entire experience and with this level of support and safety, you are invited to go as deep as you wish.

How do I pick an intention?

We’ll talk about this in detail during our pre-session. Ask yourself what you’re looking to get out of the experience - what is your why?

Do I need to bring my own Cannabis? If not, what kind of Cannabis do you use?

No, I provide all the Cannabis flower you’ll need and it will be organic. Based on our conversations in the pre-session I create a specific blend of Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid unique to what you share about your experience with the plant. You are invited to bring your preferred smoking device.

Will I have visions?

You may. For some, Cannabis ceremonies can be very visual (geometric patterns and mandalas) and for others it can be more somatic or feelings/memories may arise.

I’m a regular Cannabis smoker, will I feel it?

While everyone’s experience varies, for habitual cannabis users I recommend not smoking for at least 2 days before the ceremony. You are also invited to smoke as much as you wish in the beginning of the ceremony. Breathwork is also a beautiful tool to increase the intensity of the experience, if you so choose.